Luis Gonzalo Sánchez Giraldo::Publications
Journal Papers
Luis G Sanchez Giraldo, Md Nasir Udin Laskar, and Odelia Schwartz. Normalization and pooling in hierarchical models of natural images. Current Opinion in Neurobiology, accepted, 2019.
Max Turner*, Luis G Sanchez Giraldo*, Odelia Schwartz, and Fred Rieke. Stimuls- and goal-oriented frameworks for understanding natural vision. Nature Neuroscience, 2018. *Equal contribution as first authors.
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Odelia Schwartz and Luis G Sanchez Giraldo. Behavioural and Neural Constraints on Hierarchical Representations in Vision. Journal of Vision, Vol 17, Number 13, March 2017.
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Jihye Bae, Luis G Sanchez Giraldo, Eric Pohlmeyer, Joseph Francis, Justin Sanchez, and Jose C. Principe. Kernel Temporal Differences for Neural Decoding. Computational Intelligence and Neuroscience, Vol 2015, Article ID 481375, 17 pages, 2015.
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Luis G Sanchez Giraldo, Murali Rao, and Jose C. Principe. Measures of Entropy from Data Using Infinitely Divisible Kernels. IEEE Transactions on Information Theory, 61(1): 535-548, Jan. 2015.
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Erion Hasanbeliu, Luis G Sanchez Giraldo, and Jose C. Principe. Information Theoretic Shape Matching. IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence, 36(12): 2436-2451, Dec. 2014.
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Luis Gonzalo Sánchez Giraldo and Germán Castellanos Domínguez. Weighted feature extraction with a functional data extension. Neurocomputing, 73(10-12):1760-1773, 2010.
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Kaustubh Kale and Luis G Sanchez Giraldo. System and method of extraction of the heart valve signals. Pattent No, US 10,165,985 B2. [ pdf ]
Book Chapters
Jose C. Principe, Badong Chen, and Luis G. Sanchez Giraldo. Academic Press Library in Signal Processing, 1st Edition: Signal Processing Theory and Machine Learning, chapter Information Based Learning, pages 1379-1414. Elsevier, 2013.
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Genaro Daza Santacoloma, Luis Gonzalo Sánchez Giraldo, Franklin Alexander Sepúlveda, and César Germán Castellanos Domínguez. Encyclopedia of Healthcare Information Systems, chapter Acoustic feature analysis for hypernasality detection in children, pages 16-22. IGI Global, 2008.
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Edilson Delgado Trejos, Germán Castellanos Domínguez, Luis Gonzalo Sánchez Giraldo, and Julio Fernando Suárez. Encyclopedia of Healthcare Information Systems, chapter Feature Selection in Pathology Detection using Hybrid Multidimensional Analysis, pages 587-593. IGI Global, 2008.
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Md Nasir Uddin Laskar, Luis G Sanchez Giraldo, and Odelia Schwartz. Texture Selectivity: Comparing Deep Neural Networks and the Brain. In Mutual Benefits of Cognitive and Computer Vision: ICCV, October 2017.
Luis G Sanchez Giraldo, and Odelia Schwartz. Flexible Normalization in Deep Convolutional Neural Networks. In Computational and Systems Neuroscience (COSYNE), 2017.
Md Nasir Uddin Laskar, Luis G Sanchez Giraldo, and Odelia Schwartz. Deep Learning captures V2 selectivity for natural textures. In Computational and Systems Neuroscience (COSYNE), 2017.
Md Nasir Uddin Laskar, Luis G Sanchez Giraldo, and Odelia Schwartz. Deep Learning captures V2 selectivity for natural textures. In Brains and Bits: Neuroscience Meets Machine Learning: NIPS, 2016.
Luis G Sanchez Giraldo, and Odelia Schwartz. Flexible Normalization in Deep Convolutional Neural Networks. In 15th Neural Computation and Psychology Workshop, 2016.
Luis G Sanchez Giraldo, and Jose C. Principe. Rate-distortion Auto-encoders. In Deep Learning and Representation Learning Workshop: NIPS, 2014.
Luis G Sanchez Giraldo, and Jose C. Principe. Rate-distortion Auto-encoders. In International Conference on Learnign Representations, April 2014.
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Conferences and Symposiums
Luis G Sanchez Giraldo, Erion Hasanbelliu, Murali Rao, and Jose C. Principe. Group-wise point-set registration based on Renyi's second order entropy. In IEEE/CVF Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition, July 2017.
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Austin Brockmeier, Eder Santana, Luis Gonzalo Sanchez Giraldo, and Jose Principe. Projentropy: Using entropy to optimize spatial projections. In International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing 2014, accepted.
Jihye Bae, Luis Gonzalo Sanchez Giraldo, Joseph Francis, and Jose Principe. Correntropy kernel temporal differences for reinforcement learning brain machine interfaces. In International Joint Conference on Neural Networks 2014, accepted. [ pdf ]
Evan Kriminger, Austin J. Brockmeirer, Luis Sanchez Giraldo, and Jose Principe. Metric learning for invariant feature generation in reinforcement learning. In 1st Multidisciplinary Conference on Reinforcement Learning and Decision Making, 2013.
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Austin Brockmeirer, Luis Gonzalo Sanchez Giraldo, John Stephen Choi, Joseph Tachil Francis, and Jose Principe. Learning Multiscale Neural Metrics via Entropy Minimization. In 6st International IEEE EMBS Neural Engineering Conference, pages 247-250, 2013.
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Luis G Sanchez Giraldo, and Jose C. Principe. Information Theoretic Learning with Infinitely Divisible Kernels. In International Conference on Learnign Representations, May 2014.
[ arXiv, video ]
Jihye Bae, Luis Gonzalo Sanchez Giraldo , Eric A. Pohlmeyer, Justin C. Sanchez, and Jose Principe. A new method of concurrently visualizing states, values, and actions in reinforcementbased brain machine interfaces. In 35th Annual International Conference of the IEEE EMBS, pages 5402-5405, 2013.
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Austin Brockmeirer, Luis Gonzalo Sanchez Giraldo, Matthew Emigh, Jihye Bae, John Stephen Choi, Joseph Tachil Francis, and Jose Principe. Information-theoretic metric learning: 2-d projections of neural data for visualization and classification. In 35th Annual International Conference of the IEEE EMBS, pages 5586-5589, 2013.
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Jihye Bae, Luis Sanchez Giraldo, Pratik Chhatbar, Joseph Francis, Justin Sanchez, and José Príncipe. Stochastic kernel temporal difference for reinforcement learning. In Machine Learning for Signal Processing, September 2011.
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Erion Hasanbelliu, Luis Sánchez Giraldo, and José C. Príncipe. A robust point matching algorithm for non-rigid registration using the cauchy-schwarz divergence. In Machine Learning for Signal Processing, September 2011.
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Luis G. Sánchez Giraldo and José C. Príncipe. A reproducing kernel hilbert space formulation of the principle of relevant information. In Machine Learning for Signal Processing, September 2011.
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Luis Gonzalo Sánchez Girlado and José C. Príncipe. An efficient rank-deficient computation of the principle of relevant information. In ICASSP, pages 2176-2179. IEEE, 2011.
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Erion Hasanbelliu, Luis Sánchez Giraldo, and José C. Príncipe. A recursive online kernel pca algorithm. In International Conference on Pattern Recognition, pages 169-172. IEEE Computer Society, 2010.
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Luis Gonzalo Sánchez Giraldo, Fernando Martínez Tabares, and Germán Castellanos Domínguez. Functional feature selection by weighted projections in pathological voice detection. In Proceedings of the 14th Iberoamerican Conference on Pattern Recognition, CIARP '09, pages 329-336. Sringer-Verlag, 2009.
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Luis Sánchez, Fernando Martínez, Germán Castellanos, and Augusto Salazar. Feature extraction of weighted data for implicit variable selection. In International Conference on Computer Analysis of Images and Patterns Lecture Notes in Computer Science, volume 4673, pages 840-847. Springer, 2007.
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Augusto Salazar, Genaro Daza, Luis Sánchez, Flavio Prieto, Colombia Quintero, and Germán Castellanos. Feature extraction and lips posture detection oriented to the treatment of CLP children. In 28th Annual International Conference of the IEEE EMBS, New York, pages 5747-5750, August 2006.
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Germán Castellanos, Genaro Daza, Luis Sánchez, Omar Castrillón, and Julio Suárez. Acoustic speech analysis for hypernasality detection in children. In 28th Annual International Conference of the IEEE EMBS, New York, pages 5507-5510, August 2006.
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Germán Castellanos, Genaro Daza, Luis Sánchez, Julio Suárez, and Edilson Delgado. Feature selection in pathology detection using hybrid multidimensional analysis. In 28th Annual International Conference of the IEEE EMBS, New York, pages 5503-5506, August 2006.
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Last update: Feb 5, 2019